Between my mate and son being very sick, a friend going into hospital, and dragging stuff out of the basement to get ready for yesterday’s yard sale, it’s been a very hectic and tiring week. I’ve gone up and down the basement stairs so often that my legs are actually sore. Hence, today I’m taking it easy to recover. I’m taking it so easy that I’m in danger of slipping into a coma. In fact, about all I’ve done today is sprawl on the couch watching TV, cross-stitching, and occasionally eating junk food.
This morning I watched a show I’d recorded earlier called Wire in the Blood, a British crime drama starring a totally hot actor named Robson Green. Unfortunately I seem to have missed most of the episodes being aired this season. Maybe someone will get me the first season off my Amazon wish list.
Then my oldest and I watched an episode of Extreme Engineering about Boston’s Big Dig. Boy, people can be clever little primates; it’s amazing the things we can come up with to solve problems in construction. Ground too soft to hold up the road while we tunnel under it? We’ll freeze it!
Now I’m vegging out in front of Tomorrow Never Dies, and I don’t care what anybody says, I think Pierce Brosnan is right up there with Connery as Bond material. Plus I would love to see a movie just about Michelle Yeoh’s Chinese secret agent character, Wai Lin. But then I’ve been a fan of Michelle Yeoh since I first saw her in a Jackie Chan movie. It’s like they say on the VH1 “I love the ##’s” shows, where they have celebrities say “I’m a little bit gay for…” So I’m a little bit gay for Michelle Yeoh. Somehow I doubt there’s ever going to be any danger of my succumbing to temptation.
Meanwhile my mate is out of town until tomorrow night. Which is probably just as well, as I still have some residual tidying up to do after the flurry of yard sale activity, and it doesn’t look like that’s going to be happening today. Wonder what he’ll say when he finds out I got a coffee table at a neighbor’s yard sale. Hey, I was good, I managed to keep it down to only one thing. And it’s a nice coffee table; it has shelves underneath and a chessboard etched into the top:

What the hell. The volume of stuff that was removed from the house is far greater than the volume of this coffee table, so I’m still ahead of the game.
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