
Lunchtime Exchange

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Nov 112017

Son noticed me looking around for something.

Son: ?

Me: I thought I brought a napkin over, but I guess I forgot.

Son: Want me to go get you one?

Me: That’s okay, I’ll just use my shirt.

Son: I’ll go get you one.

Me: Wait, who’s the parent here?

 Posted by at 5:27 pm

The Next Summer Blockbuster

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Mar 252017

The recent cold snap has driven the bugs indoors. Pest control has been by. It seems to have made the bugs angrier. Last night Alpha Geek and I had the following text exchange:

Bertha: OMG there were three enormous cockroaches in the kitchen

Alpha Geek: Did you get them or did they scurry off somewhere?

Bertha: I got two


Alpha Geek: Jesus

Bertha: BTW if you find puddles around the sink, it’s because I used the sprayer to bring down the flying one

Bertha: I think I got all the water cleaned up

Alpha Geek: Wow you had a real battle

Bertha: It was epic

Bertha: There was swashbuckling and feats of heroism

Bertha: There was betrayal and redemption

Bertha: I expect a movie soon

Bertha: I want Michelle Yeoh to play me

Alpha Geek: And Gilbert Gottfried should play the cockroach

Bertha: Perfect

 Posted by at 2:58 pm

Temp Agency Is Not Useful

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Mar 202017

Last summer when I was looking for work, at some point I applied for a few positions offered by an accounting temp agency. Never heard back, not even an auto-replay acknowledging my submissions.

Today they called my cell phone, just checking in to see if I was still looking for work. Been working for most of a year now, dude, where were you when I was unemployed?

I choose to take this as a sign that the job market is improving. Mostly because I hope it is.
