Cash Flows… the Bane of My Existence

 Accounting Stuff, Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Cash Flows… the Bane of My Existence
Jan 142008

Ah, the statement of cash flows. My old nemesis, we meet again. How you have confounded me in the past with your convoluted trickery.

The courses I’m taking this semester are all the courses scheduled to be in the last semester of the standard two-year curriculum. As such, they’re all advanced, high-level classes with an intensive workload.

Then I learned that the Accounting Software class is only offered in the spring, and if I want to finish this year I’d better take it this semester. So I’ve added another helping to my plate. Its on-campus class conflicted with my Ethics in Accounting, so I tried to sign up for the online class.

The online class was full. So I harassed the instructor and the department head into squeezing one more student in.

The department head is also the instructor for my Internal Systems and Controls class. Fortunately he’s not the vindictive sort. At least I don’t think he is.

I got out of sync with the curriculum schedule in the first semester, when I had to take a math class before I could take ACC 120. ACC 120 is a prereq for all the other accounting classes. This meant I couldn’t actually start the accounting part of my accounting curriculum until the third semester. And that is why I’m taking three years to complete a two-year degree. I picked up all the non-accounting classes I could in the first two semesters, so I’ll be pretty heavy on the accounting this year. I’ll be dreaming in debits and credits.

I find the classes dealing with auditing and fraud investigation to be my favorites. Maybe I’ll be a number narc.

And tonight when I went to sync up my flash drive with its backup folder, I couldn’t find it. I’m fairly certain I left it in one of the computers in the Individualized Learning Center. I sure hope it’s still there tomorrow. There’s nothing compromising on there, no bank account information or anything—just assignment files, all of which are backed up except the ones I did this afternoon. Still, I’d sure like to get it back.

 Posted by at 10:43 pm

It’s Official

 Accounting Stuff, Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on It’s Official
Jul 242006

I’ve signed up at the local community college, and in a few weeks I’ll start classes for accounting. With two or three years of work, I should be officially an accountant. AND THEN I SHALL RULE YOU ALL!! — I mean, wish me luck!

 Posted by at 12:53 pm