I Don’t Even Ask Any More

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Jul 272006

Me: I was wondering, are you missing any of your little toy airplanes?

Son: Not that I know of, why?

Me: Because there’s one in the butter dish in the refrigerator.

Son: Oh, yeah!

 Posted by at 6:02 pm
Jun 062006

This weekend was the statewide Special Olympic games, conveniently hosted right here where I live. My boy won the gold medal in his division for the 50 meter backstroke, a silver overall for the 50 meter backstroke, and another silver for the 50 meter freestyle. The kid loves to swim; he’s always the one doing the backstroke with the big grin on his face.

Now that swim practice is over for the summer, I guess I’ll have to get us pool passes or something. The younger one will be taking swim lessons in a couple of weeks, and I’m sure my special olympic champ will want to come along.

In other news, it looks like Technorati has got me pretty well indexed. So this is how all those people I don’t know have been finding my little blog. Hi, all you people!

 Posted by at 1:08 pm

Bugging My Kids

 Breeder's Corner, Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Bugging My Kids
May 092006

My son wanted me to send an e-mail to his dad. As I was talking to him, I ran mutt and dashed off a quick e-mail, then turned back to him.

“I thought you were going to send Daddy an e-mail,” he scowled.

“I just did,” I responded brightly.

“Then why is that window open?”

“That’s my shell window. I run my mail client from there.” I did so to demonstrate. “See? These are e-mails in my inbox.” Then, as he continued to stare doubtfully at my monitor, “I don’t use a web browser to read my e-mail. Because I’m hard core, baby!”

He rolled his eyes and went back upstairs.

 Posted by at 3:02 pm