Okay, I think I’ll keep ’em

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Mar 282005

Yesterday morning I made up some little Easter baskets for the kids. Nothing big, only one egg of candy apiece and some fun stuff like modelling clay, disposable cameras, and tiny notebooks.

After I was done I sat them out on the table to await the children, observed my handiwork, and realized I should have gotten some stuff for me, too. Their baskets looked like fun.

The kids came in shortly there after, found the baskets, and leapt upon them with glee. The oldest paused and asked me, “What did you get?”

I replied, “I didn’t get anything.” Then with a melodramatic sigh, “I’m sad.”

At once he leapt up, ran to his room to get his allowance, and headed for the nearby mini-mart to get me an Easter treat.

I got good kids.

 Posted by at 2:08 pm

Must… kill… children…

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Mar 222005

This morning, as usual, I did laundry. Put a heaping basket of the kids’ clothes in the machine, then when they were done I put them into the dryer and put a load of other clothes in to wash.

Dryer buzzed. Went downstairs, opened dryer door. Inside of dryer—drum, back wall, inner surface of door—is entirely covered with dark grey streaks.

We’ve been through this before. One of my sproggen left a red crayon in his pants pocket, and I didn’t catch it before it went through the wash. The washing machine was fine, but the inside of the dryer—not to mention all the clothes in that load—was entirely covered in red streaks.

It took a lot of work, but I eventually managed to get the red off both the clothes and the dryer. And the kids got an earful about checking their pockets to make sure they were empty before putting them in the laundry basket.

In this case the culprit was a black crayon. This time I sent the kids down with a bottle of spray cleaner to scrub the dryer for ten or fifteen minutes, just to give them an idea of how hard it is to get that crap off. Now we’re using the technique of spraying rags with WD-40 and running them through a dryer cycle; that worked fairly well the last time. (After that you have to run some clean, dry rags through the dryer cycle to clear off the WD-40 before you dry any more clothes.)

Before I had kids I never had any reason to know how to clean crayon streaks out of a dryer. Having a family sure is educational.

 Posted by at 11:55 am

So-So Chaperone

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Mar 152005

Last week my son’s fourth-grade class went on a field trip to the Museum of Life and Science. At my son’s enthusiastic urging, I had volunteered to be a chaperone. God help me.

When we got to the museum, all the victims parents were given stickers that said “I’m a Super Chaperone!” to identify them in case they attempted escape. I was placed in charge of five kids (God help them) and the teeming swarm of fourth-graders broke up into smaller groups to explore the museum.

I don’t know how accurate my sticker was. At the risk of giving their parents retroactive heart failure, I was not a terribly authoritative chaperone. I told them, “Stay in this general area.” When we went upstairs, I told them to stay on the top floor. Then I let them all go their own way and look at whatever they wanted to look at, and alternated my time between glancing at the exhibits myself, and doing head counts to see where my charges were. “One, two… three, four… there he is, five.”

When we went to the gift shop, some of my group were far more interested in the googaws and trinkets than others. While a couple lingered in the gift shop, I instructed the remainder to stay in the nearby play area where a bunch of Kapla blocks were set out. (“Kapla” is apparently Dutch for “really expensive little block of wood.”) At one point I let the two girls go to the restroom—at the other end of the museum!—while I kept watch over the ones in the gift shop and the Kapla area. The extent of my supervision was to tell them to come directly back when they were done.

So I’m probably not the best chaperone there is. I’m not entirely sure what the chaperoning rules are; some groups seemed to be very disciplined, moving as a unit from one display to the next. I just ain’t that organized. I figure as long as I come out with all the kids I went in with, and there’s no permanent damage to either the kids or the museum, that’s probably about the range of my child-watching skills. And to that extent I was a success. Take that, all you perfect TV moms.

 Posted by at 5:18 pm