Random Info

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Aug 222009

The Artist has finished his first week of college, and he’s loving it. I offered to give him a ride the first week, but he wanted to take the bus from day one. He wants to be as self-sufficient as possible. I can relate to that.

Yesterday I went in to Kelly (a temp agency, for those outside the US) and took a bunch of their skill assessment tests. They might have a bookkeeping job for me that uses Quickbooks, but I took all the tests they were willing to give me. I figured if I did poorly on them I just wouldn’t get jobs involving those skills. But I did reasonably well on all of them (and very well on some).

The Kelly rep gave me all the tax forms and such to fill out, and an employee handbook to look over. I take this as a good sign. Even if I don’t get this Quickbooks job, they might be able to find me something else. I hope.

Michelle Bachman, republican and champion of the religious right, has declared her position against the national health care proposal:

“That’s why people need to continue to go to the town halls, continue to melt the phone lines of their liberal members of Congress,” said Bachmann, “and let them know, under no certain circumstances will I give the government control over my body and my health care decisions.”

…so, does this mean she’s pro-choice now?

 Posted by at 1:11 pm

The Driving Artist

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Aug 182009

Turns out we just needed a form from the insurance agency that officially verified the kid was covered, even though he wasn’t a driver. We got the form and trekked back up to the DMV this morning.

He passed.

My son now has a driver’s license.


 Posted by at 10:33 pm

Oh, I Feel Safe.

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Aug 172009

Our school system has a web system that lets parents track their kids’ progress. This way we can check the kid’s grades online even if they don’t bring home their report cards or tell us how they’re doing on their assignments. They call it SPAN (Student Parent Access Network).

Last week in the mail I got a letter from The Director’s school with his class schedule and the login information for his SPAN account. I made a copy of his schedule so he’d have one and I’d have one, and then went to log in to his SPAN account.

Oops. That’s not my kid.

Looks like I got the SPAN information of the kid who’s right ahead of mine, alphabetically. So the family whose last name comes right after ours probably got my kid’s info, and so on.

I bet the poor SPAN administrator is swamped with e-mails. And he’s about to get another one.

 Posted by at 9:04 am