I Has A Kitteh

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Apr 222010

This morning I sat on the couch, checking my e-mail. Every now and then I would reach over and stroke the warm, furry little being purring next to me.

Later, as I was eating lunch, I heard strange scratching, rattling, and thumping sounds coming from the kitchen. After a few minutes I exclaimed, “CAT! What are you doing?!” The noises stopped, and she wandered over to me, looking innocent.

It’s so nice to have a cat again.


 Posted by at 1:44 pm  Tagged with:

Ninja Cat

 Cat Tales, General, Videos  Comments Off on Ninja Cat
Apr 132010

Yesterday I mentioned that the cat was stalking me.

My friend palsgraf_polka posted this video in response. My younger son almost choked on his lunch while watching it, he was laughing so hard.

 Posted by at 8:56 am  Tagged with:

So, How Was Your Weekend?

 Cat Tales, General  Comments Off on So, How Was Your Weekend?
Apr 122010

The cat is stalking me.

She lies perfectly still, watching me with her intent green gaze. When I look back at the computer, she creeps a little closer.

Saturday we went out to the flying club to watch Jon Trappe launch his balloons. When I get my own computer back I’ll post pictures.

Last week I went to the eye doctor (routine checkup). She observed that my eyes were a little red and itchy—the way the pine trees were carrying on, I think everyone’s eyes were red and itchy. She gave me a tiny little sample bottle of eye drops to help soothe the itchiness.

Duchess thinks that tiny little bottle is a great cat toy.
