I Has A Pounce

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Dec 152009

Duchess loves to play with us.

She’ll perk up when the kids appear; she darts to the closet where we keep her cat fishing pole and tries to entice them into getting it out.

If anyone sits on the couch, she’ll come over and watch attentively to see if they pick up the laser pointer.

She’ll crouch under the coffee table and stare at our toes. One of these days she’ll work up the nerve to leap on them.

But there’s one game that she only plays with me: she pounces at me.

When I come down the hall, she’ll lurk around the corner and pounce as I enter the room, spreading her arms and looking for all the world like a little kid going “Boo!” Then she’ll dart gleefully off through the dining room.

Whenever I walk back and forth from the living room to the kitchen, she’ll charge after me. Sometimes I don’t even see her, I just hear the galloping of little feet as she tears past behind me. When I return to the living room she’ll charge after me again. If I make several trips in a short time she’ll get so excited her tail will bush out.

(That’s another of her quirks—her tail is very reactive to her emotional state. If she’s frightened, or startled, or even just really excited, that tail will bush right out.)

Sometimes she’ll chase me down the hall to the bathroom. When I come out, I’ll chase her back down the hall to the living room. Then when I sit down she’ll prrt and run over to me, as if to say, “Hey, that was fun, wasn’t it?” I’ll pet her and tell her she’s a crazy kitty.

She doesn’t play the pounce/chase game with anyone else in the house, just with me. I suspect it’s because I’m the most familiar with cats, and I act in a way that makes her feel comfortable enough to initiate a really exciting game. The rest of the family adores her, but whatever it is I’m doing, they haven’t yet learned how to do it, too.

And the thing is, I don’t even know what it is I’m doing that makes her feel she can play this game with me, so I can’t tell them how to do it, too. Alpha Geek has asked several times, “Why doesn’t she do that with anyone else?” If I knew, I’d tell him. Maybe it’s just a lot of little things that become second nature after you spend a lot of time around cats.

Or maybe it’s just the cat-magnet thing again.

 Posted by at 3:09 pm  Tagged with:

Cat Quirks

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Dec 132009

Now that Duchess has settled in and made herself at home, her little personality quirks are showing up. Never known a cat without them. Some of them are quirks I haven’t seen in any of my previous cats.

She sleeps on her back.

Not all the time, but sometimes she’ll just flip over and doze with her little paws crossed over her chest. Sometimes she’ll stretch her arms up over her head.

She likes me to pet her face.

Most cats I’ve known like to be scritched on the cheek or chin, or above the eyes, but usually they really hate you to put your entire palm over their face. Duchess loves it; she’ll press her little face up into your hand. She likes you to stroke her entire head, from nose to skull, with your whole hand.

She bites her nails.

If you’re not familiar with cats, their claws periodically shed the top layer. This helps them stay sharp and useful; one reason cats scratch carpets or trees is to help the process along.

Duchess will lie next to me, fastidiously cleaning her lovely white forepaws, and she’ll grab each claw between her teeth and tug on it repeatedly to remove the loose sheath of keratin.

I love that cats are quirky. And I love that our cat is feeling comfortable and relaxed enough to be her quirky little self.

 Posted by at 9:16 am  Tagged with:

Kitteh Belly

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Oct 072009

Last night Duchess let me rub her belly!

She’s been working up to it. After the second or third week she was here, she started rolling onto her back and giving me the “See how cute I am!” look. But at first, when I started to reach over, she would bolt from the couch.

After a while, she wouldn’t run, but as soon as my hand touched her belly she would flip upright again.

Last night she rolled over onto her back, with her little white forefeet up by her chest, and gave me that appealing look. I reached over and gently rubbed her belly for a few seconds, then withdrew before she got too overwhelmed. She stayed on her back and looked thoughtful: she’s found a new way to solicit attention.

 Posted by at 2:22 pm  Tagged with: