Noise to Signal Scores Again

 Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Noise to Signal Scores Again
Nov 082009

Alternative flag-for-mod icons

If I ever run a web board, I’m totally using these. Someone who’s good at icons should make this set and call it the “Rob Cottingham Alternative Icon Set.”

Still Sick

 Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Still Sick
Nov 042009

Monday I made the mistake of saying I thought I was getting better. As a result, Tuesday I got worse again.

Today I have achieved what Alpha Geek refers to as the pain-in-his-ass stage of my illness. That’s the one where I bitch constantly about how tired I am of being sick. I’m well enough to be bored, but not well enough to do anything more strenuous than shuffle to the kitchen for juice.


 Posted by at 8:43 pm