Kitteh Belly

 Cat Tales, Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Kitteh Belly
Oct 072009

Last night Duchess let me rub her belly!

She’s been working up to it. After the second or third week she was here, she started rolling onto her back and giving me the “See how cute I am!” look. But at first, when I started to reach over, she would bolt from the couch.

After a while, she wouldn’t run, but as soon as my hand touched her belly she would flip upright again.

Last night she rolled over onto her back, with her little white forefeet up by her chest, and gave me that appealing look. I reached over and gently rubbed her belly for a few seconds, then withdrew before she got too overwhelmed. She stayed on her back and looked thoughtful: she’s found a new way to solicit attention.

 Posted by at 2:22 pm  Tagged with:


 Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Snicker
Oct 052009

We’re watching Flyboys, a movie about combat pilots fighting for France in WWI.

It’s the penultimate aerial battle. Allied pilots are swarming around a zeppelin. German pilots are vigorously defending. Oh noes, here comes the black triplane flown by the German ace pilot, who has shot down many of our heroes in previous battles.

“Uh oh,” said The Artist. “It’s the Mother Fokker.”

 Posted by at 11:27 pm

Note to Guys in MultiPlayer Online Games

 Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Note to Guys in MultiPlayer Online Games
Sep 282009

When your male avatar is chatting up a female character in the game, do not emote things like “massages shoulders,” “kisses lips,” or “caresses arm.” Even if you’re role-playing—especially if you’re role-playing.

Pushy, too-familiar behavior is just as creepy in an online game as it is in real life. The object of your attention will probably be avoiding you from now on.

Also, asking “Are you a girl IRL?” makes it very obvious that you view this game as some sort of virtual dating service. Many of the girls who play online games quickly learn to answer “no” to this question, to ensure that people like you do not bother them any more.

The internet a wonderful social equalizer, an environment where people have the opportunity to interact without the prejudices attached to gender, race, or physical appearance. When you’re talking to someone online, you react to each other based entirely on how you behave.

Too bad for you. Might want to work on that.
