Office Kerfluffle

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Mar 132014

Last week I worked overtime. Generally, the Boss has a policy that we are not to work overtime, because he doesn’t want to pay the time and a half. If someone winds up going into overtime, it gets distributed as vacation time rather than as money. I don’t really want more vacation time, so I haven’t worked any overtime hours. I keep track of my time worked in a spreadsheet (because I’m a geek like that), and am careful not to exceed 40 hours per week.

A couple of weeks ago Freda was out sick. As a result she got behind and needed me to work some extra hours to help her get caught up. She talked it over with the Boss beforehand, and got his approval to pay me in money for the overtime. So last week I worked about seven hours of overtime, helping her get caught up. Yey.

Monday morning we had a bit of a row. The time clock is connected to Queenie’s computer, and she prints the time sheets, so she saw the overtime. And she had also gone over 40 hours, frankly because she makes a lot of mistakes and spends a lot of time fixing them. So she turned in her time sheet for overtime payment as well. And Freda explained to her that the Boss was still giving her vacation hours instead of money for her overtime, and I was getting money because we had cleared it with him ahead of time. It was the Boss’s call.

So we had some stupid office drama going on Monday, because Queenie is convinced it’s Freda’s doing somehow (because she perceives Freda as her main competitor in the power struggle to be Queen Bee of the office). Of course, Queenie could always talk to the boss about getting approved for overtime pay, but she knows she’d get turned down so she just steams about how we’re getting preferential treatment. And Freda doesn’t care if she grumbles, and I don’t care, so Queenie basically spends a few days being worked up and agitated while the objects of her ire go on about life unaffected. It must be very frustrating for her.


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Feb 122014

In case you haven’t turned on the news at all today, we got a little snow over in the southeast U.S. And it was a big ol’ mess.

Mostly the problem was that it got so bad, so fast:

A little after noon, I went to get some lunch for myself and a co-worker. It was snowing pretty well, but there was no accumulation on the ground yet.

A little before one, my co-worker and I finished our lunch. By now there was over an inch of snow on the ground, and we changed our plans from “work another hour or two” to “finish up and GTFO.”

I left the office around 1:30. I got home about 2:00, for a drive that normally takes less than ten minutes. The roads were covered in packed snow. Traffic was already getting backed up from people unable to make it up inclines, and other people pulling out into intersections when there was no way to exit on the other side. Visibility was poor and getting worse.

My car did perfectly fine, even on the hills. Didn’t hurt that I was driving like a little old granny. On one of our neighborhood roads another driver zoomed past me, honking, because my 20 mph speed wasn’t fast enough for him. I half expected him to slide off the road at the first turn, not that you could really tell where the road was.

And I was lucky, as I didn’t have far to go. Other drivers got stuck in the weather for hours trying to get home. Any place with an incline, like on-ramps to freeways, turned into a bottleneck. People were abandoning their cars, sometimes without even getting them off the road first. Schools, malls, and churches were announcing that people could come there for shelter until the roads were passable. The snowplows were stuck in traffic like everyone else.

As of now the worst of the traffic pileups seem to be cleared. We’re all tucked safely away at home, watching the news coverage. We’re expecting a little more of the same tomorrow, and it probably won’t really start melting away until Saturday.

All my friends in the southeast corridor—stay safe and warm tonight!

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