Too Many Thoughts

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Feb 092011

My Western Civ II class had its first test last Thursday. Haven’t gotten it back yet, she says she’s still grading them. It was all essay, so I imagine she is.

She tells us the material from here on out will be a little easier. Hope so.

She also says that of the tests she’s graded so far, most have been short on detail—a flaw which loses points in history tests, as I learned last semester in Western Civ I.

But I really came to tell you about the whole test-taking experience last Thursday.

We’re all required to supply our own Blue Books. Not a problem; the campus bookstore sells them for something like a quarter apiece.

Before the exam, our instructions were to place our blank Blue Books in a pile on the instructor’s desk, turn off all our cell phones, and pile our bookbags and whatnot in the front of the room. Once she’d collected all the Blue Books, we trooped back up and took them from the pile in more-or-less random order. This was all to prevent cheating; apparently in the past she’s had students write surreptitious notes in their Blue Books ahead of time. Then she passed out the tests and we all fell to scribbling madly.

One fellow brought up his completed test after only twenty minutes or so. I figure he either did really well, or really poorly. I’m guessing… poorly.

As the end of the class time neared, people began turning in their tests and collecting their bookbags. The teacher would thank them as they handed in their tests.

I wasn’t quite the last one to turn mine in. She didn’t say anything as I handed her my test. I gathered up my binder and my purse and left. This procedure took maybe five or six seconds, during which time the following was going through my head:

Rational Brain: The class is almost over, she’s probably just thinking about what she’ll be doing once she leaves, or what to have for dinner, or something.

Irrational, Everything-Is-About-Me Brain: She didn’t thank me, but she thanked everybody else—does she not like me for some reason? Did I do something? I’m always on time, I only missed one class so far. Is it because I sometimes answer without raising my hand? Everybody else does that, too, why would she pick on me? Am I giving off some sort of vibe she doesn’t like? Was something wrong with my homework assignment? Why would she not like me?

And then I was out the door, and my brain was chasing off after the next shiny notion that wandered through.

My husband is right. I have too many thoughts.

Cutting Back on Luxuries

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Aug 262010

Last time I was taking classes at the community college, we’d buy our own blue books for essay exams. They’re available in the student bookstore for thirty-five cents. For multiple-choice tests, the teachers would pass out ScanTrons with the exam. I assumed it had always been thus.

This year, as our history teacher went over the syllabus, he warned us that we will have to buy our own ScanTrons this year, as well as the blue books. Evidently the school is really tightening its belt, or something.

Now I’m wondering if, at one point, the blue books were given out with exams.

 Posted by at 9:38 pm

First Day

 Accounting Stuff, Geek Wannabe  Comments Off on First Day
Jul 122010

Officially started my new job today! The head of HR came around with a little gift bag they’d all put together for me, with some fancy cocoas and a loaf of “friendship bread.” Never heard of it before, but I suspect it will be gone by Wednesday.

It’s a little overwhelming—the last time I touched Quickbooks was in the class two years ago, and my last accounting class was over in December 2008. But the lady who’s been doing the books has got everything all set up for maximum efficiency, with memorized transactions, check lists, and procedures to ensure it all gets done right and on time. I don’t have to set anything up, I just have to learn the procedures and systems that are already in place.

My predecessor will be staying on another month, walking me through everything and making sure I’ve got my feet under me before she leaves. I’ve also got another accountant, who is on the church board and takes part in their decision-making, to call on if I need help. They’re both very nice and reassure me that although I have a lot to master, they’re both available for help and questions.

I feel pretty stupid and inept at the moment, because I need so much hand-holding. But I think by this time next month I should have a handle on things, and only need some occasional help.

 Posted by at 7:05 pm