Sep 192004

A couple of weeks ago I noticed the Jellybeans near our house was offering skating lessons. I thought wistfully, “Gee, I wish I could learn to skate.”

Then I thought, “So, what’s stopping you?” So I hied myself up to Jellybeans and signed up for skate school.

Yesterday was my first lesson. Our instructor, Curt, demonstrated the proper way to fall so as to reduce risk of injury—something I should probably be practicing as I’m sure I will—and then coaxed his wobbly pupils out onto the rink like new swimmers paddling into the deep end. We must have made quite a sight, making our way slowly back and forth across the rink.

Today I went up to practice for a bit. I was planning to just go around the rink for half an hour or so, but I was having so much fun I stayed an hour and a half. I only quit because my legs felt like they were about to fall off. I was actually skating almost as fast as I walk. Woo hoo! I’m not the slowest one there!

Now I’m looking to buy my own skates. Guess I’ve found a new hobby.

 Posted by at 6:43 pm

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