May 222009


Had my cell phone handy tonight when she hopped up on the couch with me for a couple of minutes. Later Alpha Geek and I sat on the floor petting her while she did figure eights around us. She was a little nervous about him at first, I think because he wasn’t making the reassuring crooning noises she was getting from me. But she quickly warmed up to him and almost crawled into his lap.

When we were signing the papers to adopt her, our adoption guide lady told us what kind of food they recommend—either a brand called Nutro, or the high-end Purina One they sell at pet stores (which is a better quality than the formula they sell at grocery stores).

Later that afternoon as I headed out to PetSmart to get cat food, Alpha Geek stopped me at the door. “It probably isn’t that much of a difference in price between the Purina and the Nutro, if you’ve only got one cat to feed,” he said. “We might as well get her the really good food.”

If he’s not careful she’s going to be just as spoiled as I am.

 Posted by at 11:38 pm  Tagged with:

  One Response to “Meet Duchess”

  1. She’s beautiful!

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