Hello <my full name>, it’s fantastic to hear from you.
We appreciate you e-mailing us.
You are extremely qualified for this job position, and more so than the other 13 applicants we received resumes from.
The selection process is almost done. We only ask for you to complete a basic, simple IQ(Intelligence Quotient) quiz to complete and show to our Head of Human Resources.
Please perform the IQ Quiz here: http://LostonCorp.com/IQ-Quiz
Please reply back with the results and an availability schedule to set-up an interview.
Personally, I am excited to fill this position with a friendly face and looking to your quick response.
Have a wonderful Thursday,
Shelby James
HR Dept.Loston, Corp
Telephone: 1 (650) 489-2541
Fax: 1 (866)-396-3806
Contact: ShelbyJames@LostonCorp.com
Website: LostonCorp.comRemailed from job-aqme59637483
6/3/2010 9:45:28 AM
Apparently others receiving this one were supposed to go watch a video, or confirm a phone number (back when they were calling themselves Charon, Corp).
As far as I’ve seen, if they want you to go to a web page and “complete” something—there is no job, it’s just a scam to get your information, or to generate clickthroughs, or both.
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