If you live in the States, today’s a big deadline day. We actually filed our taxes about a month ago—we owed a little to the state, are due a little back from the feds.
The state’s already taken their cut. I notice the feds are being quite leisurely about the refund, though.
Still no news on the job front. I continue to send in resumes to likely-looking prospects, although most job ads stipulate two to four years of experience in accounting. If they only ask for two years I’ll send ’em a resume anyway, pitching the notion that my two and a half years of classes getting the A.A.S. counts as “experience in accounting.” Worth a try.
Most of my leads come from our local Craigslist. Now and then some loser will post a “data entry” job, which invariably turns out to be some online-survey scheme they want to sell you on. But most ads are legit offers, and it’s worth checking CL daily. CareerBuilder and Monster I only check once a week, along with a few other job boards.
I keep thinking I should go to a temp agency and sign on for some kind of short-term clerical work, just to have some recent job experience and references. Alpha Geek feels I wouldn’t make enough at such a job to be worth the tax hit we’d take from the added income.
He’s using his own job loss to get his fledgling business off the ground. He’d been running it on weekends when he was employed, but now he can work it full-time and he’s really ramping it up. We’re cautiously optimistic that he can have it generating an income equal to our expenses before our savings run out at the end of the year.
And I’m not a huge fan of the big government bailout, but I do like the fact that the stimulus plan includes a COBRA subsidy that will cover 65% of our premium. That should help our savings stretch a little farther.