Jul 072008

Towards the end of last semester, Super Smart Guy mentioned that he was going to be leaving his part-time job once classes were over, and starting his own business.

Being the soul of tact, I immediately started asking about the job he was leaving—what it was like, whether the hours were flexible according to his class schedule, and who would be replacing him. He picked up on my subtle hint and told me to bring in a résumé and he’d pass it along to his boss.

Potential Boss and I have talked a few times since then; this afternoon I went out to meet him and discuss the job. We seemed to get along well, and the job sounds like a good fit: I’m looking for a part-time job that will let me learn the trade, and continue working part-time for a number of years until the kids move out. He’s looking for someone who can improve their knowledge and competence in the job and be a long-term employee, part-time or otherwise. We talked about the hours I could work with my class schedule in the fall, I gave him my little portfolio (thank you, English 114), and he said he’d be in touch.

It’s not official or anything, but I think I might be starting work in August. Wish me luck!

 Posted by at 4:27 pm
Jun 112008

Sharon transfers to Russ an insurance policy with a cash surrender value of $30,000 and a face value of $100,000 in exchange for real estate. Russ continues to pay the premiums on the policy until Sharon dies 7 years later. At that time, Russ has paid $14,000 in premiums, and he collects the $100,000 face value. How much of the proceeds is taxable to Russ? Why?

They’re all like that. Someone shoot me, plzkthx.

 Posted by at 5:44 pm

All Done!

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May 022008

Finished up the last of the exams today. Definitely passed the first one, and a pass was all I needed to maintain an A. The second “exam” was actually each class member giving a brief presentation on the final paper we’d written (except for one student who just dropped her paper off and left). A bunch of us brought snacks and drinks and a big ol’ cake with the instructor’s name on it, and we had ourselves a little farewell party. The Born Again Delinquent orchestrated most of it, and promised to send us all the pictures she took.

Speaking of pictures, our local news had a blurb about the PBL contest winners, complete with the photo they took at our little awards ceremony.

PBL Award Winners

I happened to be wearing the pinkest shirt in the world that day, so I stand out like a sore thumb. Just behind me on the left you can see Super Smart Guy, who took first place and is going to the nationals; one more farther left is Former Navy Guy, who was fifth. I don’t know how I managed to wind up front and center like that; I should’ve been behind SSG.

Tonight the SGA is hosting an “awards banquet” for students with a high GPA. Not entirely sure what that entails, other than free food. But free food’s enough for me. BAD will be there with her family as well; whoever gets there first will save seats for the others. We’ll probably be loud and rowdy and embarrass our husbands dreadfully, because we’re both just giddy with relief that the semester is over and we’ve maintained an A in all our classes. Bring on the grub!

 Posted by at 6:00 pm