We’ve got one more week of classes—two days of actual class, and three days of exams.
Two of my classes aren’t actually having exams. One is having a guest speaker come talk to us about her real-life work experience with fraud and internal controls; in the other one we’re just supposed to stand in front of the class and give a brief presentation on the final paper we wrote. Normally I loathe presentations, but this is a very laid-back class and all the students are very supportive of each other. I don’t anticipate it being a problem. (I finished the paper itself several weeks ago.)
This morning out of curiosity I calculated what I need on my Intermediate final if I want to make an A in the class. Turns out I’ll need at least a 32. I’m not too worried about that final.
Yesterday the three of us who competed in the PBL State Leadership Conference went to a little award ceremony in the student lounge to get our certificates. During the ceremony I learned that the tests we took were 400-level tests. As in, some of the people we were competing against were fourth-year university students. Maybe sixth place wasn’t that bad.
I think I embarrassed Super Smart Guy a bit when I cheered as he went to accept his first-place plaque. You really just can’t take me anywhere.