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Jul 302010

Finishing up my second full week. Cricket didn’t even bother coming in today. Yesterday she dropped by briefly to check on things and see how confident I felt about having her only come in one or two days a week.

“I think I’ve got a handle on the day-to-day stuff,” I told her.

“I agree,” she said, then sniffed, “y’all don’t need me any more.”

So she said she wasn’t going to bother coming in today, and stressed that I could call or e-mail her any time if I had a question about anything at all.

She didn’t miss much. It was a very slow day for us; I got one bill in the mail, and had a few things to file. I called a vendor to make sure they’d received a return, and spent the rest of my time helping the office manager with the little work she had to do. Toward afternoon the associate pastor made an appearance, and the three of us gathered in the kitchen and made sandwiches out of some leftovers from a recent event, and chatted about the church goings-on and our families and the weather.

They both tell me things will get much busier in the fall, when people return from vacations and the various church programs all start up again.

My New Role Model

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Jul 192010

Today I paid taxes. I never thought I’d be so happy to be paying taxes.

I’ve been settling in fairly well to the new job. My trainer is patient and very knowledgeable. She’s been doing this for over fifteen years and is training to be an auditor. She knows her shit.

In the tradition of not using real names, I’ll refer to her as Cricket—because she’s small and quick, and said “For the next three weeks, I’ll be your conscience.”

Cricket started doing the books for the church a couple of years ago, after they had been mistreated and abandoned. She nursed them back to health, set things up to work, and now is ready to move on. Cricket enjoys the challenge of fixing problems and retooling dysfunctional processes, but not the day-to-day tedium of bookkeeping.

Me, I’m just a baby accountant now. I’m thrilled to do the day-to-day tedium of bookkeeping.

As she walks me through things, Cricket is updating a manual for me to refer to after she leaves. This will be particularly helpful for the infrequently-done things like month-end reports. At this point I’ve pretty much got a handle on the daily chores like entering bills, writing checks, and processing purchase/reimbursement requests. I’m a bit rusty in some areas—it has been a year and a half since my last class—and I’m admittedly weak in my knowledge of the Chart of Accounts, but Cricket is generally pleased with how quickly I’m remembering what I know and picking up what I don’t. The more familiar I get with the systems in place, the more often I say, “Oh, that’s why you did it like that.”

When I’m a grown-up accountant I want to be like Cricket.

First Day

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Jul 122010

Officially started my new job today! The head of HR came around with a little gift bag they’d all put together for me, with some fancy cocoas and a loaf of “friendship bread.” Never heard of it before, but I suspect it will be gone by Wednesday.

It’s a little overwhelming—the last time I touched Quickbooks was in the class two years ago, and my last accounting class was over in December 2008. But the lady who’s been doing the books has got everything all set up for maximum efficiency, with memorized transactions, check lists, and procedures to ensure it all gets done right and on time. I don’t have to set anything up, I just have to learn the procedures and systems that are already in place.

My predecessor will be staying on another month, walking me through everything and making sure I’ve got my feet under me before she leaves. I’ve also got another accountant, who is on the church board and takes part in their decision-making, to call on if I need help. They’re both very nice and reassure me that although I have a lot to master, they’re both available for help and questions.

I feel pretty stupid and inept at the moment, because I need so much hand-holding. But I think by this time next month I should have a handle on things, and only need some occasional help.

 Posted by at 7:05 pm