My Graduate

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Jun 182009

The Graduate

That’s my boy.

He’s got me running errands today; he’s preparing for a mission trip with his church group, and I’m the gopher—my job is to find work gloves, track down the hammer, run out and buy batteries, do last-minute laundry, and so forth. Tomorrow I’ll be getting up at the crack of dawn to chauffeur him to the church to meet the bus, and then I won’t see him again for a week.

Sir Walter in a tutu

They had their graduation ceremony in Raleigh’s new convention center. They kept us on a pretty tight schedule, as there was another graduation before us and a third after us. And all on a weekday, so there was also the normal downtown workday traffic to contend with. Somehow mild chaos just seems an appropriate part of the whole ritual.

The seniors celebrated by dressing up the statue of Sir Walter Raleigh in a pink tutu. I think it suits him, don’t you?

 Posted by at 2:51 pm  Tagged with:

It’s A Mom Thing

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Mar 232009

Last week I stopped for some groceries on the way home from the Artist’s swim practice. He spotted the Altoids by the cash register and asked if I would buy him some.

On the way home I observed that he smelled like mint.

“It’s the Altoids,” he chuckled.

“Can I have one of your Altoids?”

“Aw, man…”

“You’re allowed to say no,” I told him. “You don’t have to give me one if you don’t want to.”

“Oh, okay.”

I gave it a few seconds, then added, “…even though I bought them for you…”


What’s the point of having kids if you can’t torment them?

 Posted by at 11:19 pm


 Breeder's Corner, Geek Wannabe  Comments Off on Cake!
Mar 082009

Today is the Director’s birthday. He’s fourteen.

Just as the Artist finally reaches the end of teenhood, the Director gets his into full swing.

Please pass the alcohol.

The Director had decided he wanted to make a chocolate chip cookie cake for his birthday. He’s enjoyed cooking ever since I got him to help me make cookies. After that first time he kicked me out of the kitchen and did it all himself. He’s experimented with chocolate chip cookies; last month he made a full-sheet cookie for his class.

So when he announced he wanted to make a chocolate chip cookie cake for his birthday, I thought he meant he wanted a big sheet cookie that could be decorated like a cake.

Yesterday when we were picking up the ingredients, I learned that he actually meant a cake. He planned to use the same recipe he had for cookies, only twice as much, and bake it in a cake pan.

“Um… I don’t think that will work, sweetie.”

“Why not?”

“Well, cookie dough is a lot denser than cake dough. That’s why cookies are made small and flat. If you make it in a cake pan it won’t cook all the way through.”


Of course, he’s right to be skeptical of any cooking information he gets from me, as I have always hated cooking. So I let him go ahead with his plan, because kids have to experiment and learn things for themselves.

The cookie-cake didn’t work.

He was upset, but he bounced back. Today I made him a regular chocolate cake from an old family recipe. We’ll go to his favorite restaurant for dinner, he’ll have pizza and cake and lots of presents, his cousins are all in town so he’ll have kids to play with, and I think generally he’ll have a ball.

And this summer the Artist will turn eighteen.

Stop laughing, God.

 Posted by at 4:47 pm