Made It Through the Week

 Geek Wannabe, General, I Love My Car  Comments Off on Made It Through the Week
Mar 152008

The presentation in Practices is over with. Sweet Studious Boy was preparing with his group at the same time my group was going over our notes, so he’s evidently decided to stick it out. I’m glad he didn’t drop the class.

2 fits

After we’d done our presentation I was finished for the day, so I headed back to my little Honda Fit—and discovered a little red Fit had parked next to my little gray Fit. They were so cute I had to take a picture. Well, maybe it was just an excuse to take a picture of mine.

Got my Intermediate test back, and our Controls instructor posted the grades for that test—A’s on both. Holy crap! I was figuring I’d get a C on Intermediate, or maybe a B.

And now the spring break week stretches ahead of me. Plenty of time to work on the Practices project, the Ethics paper, the Intermediate and Controls extra credit projects, and maybe get ahead on the Software classwork a little bit.

Er… wait, wasn’t there supposed to be a break in there somewhere? Oh, well.

Pressure Leak

 Geek Wannabe, General, I Love My Car  Comments Off on Pressure Leak
Feb 292008

Stopped by the bank yesterday. As soon as I got out of the car, I could hear it: the unmistakable sound of a pressure leak. ssssssssssssss

I walked around my car; the sound was loudest at the right rear corner. I got down and looked at the tire. I didn’t actually expect to see anything, but the culprit was plainly visible:

metal in tire

The Firestone was a block away, so I drove her there before the tire went completely flat. But I really wasn’t happy about leaving her to Firestone’s dubious care, after they fucked up my van—twice—so this morning my dad helped me put on the spare and we drove her out to the Honda dealership.

I tell ya, if it ain’t one damn thing, it’s another.

The good news: we’ve spent the last year or so building up our Freedom Account (what Dave Ramsey calls a rainy-day fund), so we can deal with this without having to run up debt on the credit card.

Conversation with My Son

 Breeder's Corner, Geek Wannabe, General, I Love My Car  Comments Off on Conversation with My Son
Feb 112008

Son: Can I open my Junior Mints now?

Me: Wait until we get home, I don’t want open candy in the car. You know what happens if it gets lost in the car until summer.

Son: It melts into the carpet.

Me: And you know what happens then.

Son: …

Me: Then I have to kill you.

Son: Not today though.

Me: No, it would be months from now. I’d find melted chocolate in my car and say, “I’m going to kill that kid!”

Son: I’d put up a fight.

Me: Yeah, but I’m old and sneaky.

Son: Don’t you mean old and creaky?

Me: Smartass.

Son: I’m young and sneaky.

Me: You’re young and smartass.

By this point he was laughing too much to offer any further repartee.

 Posted by at 10:29 pm