I Just Realized Something

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Dec 162015

I heard from my old job that my replacement will be leaving at the end of the month. That means they’re going to have to hire someone to replace her.

And I don’t have to train the new person. Woo hoo!

(Old supervisor always made me train any new people, because I “had more patience.”)

 Posted by at 3:22 pm

I Have Braved the Mall

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Dec 142015

I did make one foray into a mall after work today, to pick up our Hickory Farms. We have something of a tradition of spending Christmas Eve noshing on Hickory Farms and sipping wine. (I am technically working from home on Christmas Eve, but typically I’m done with my work by noon.)

I managed to get to the mall a little before five o’clock, so I think I missed the worst of the crowd. A handsome young man attempted to draw me over to his kiosk to sell me beauty products of some sort, but I cheerfully declined and flounced away. The beauty product kiosks are the trapdoor spiders of the mall at this time of year; you’re strolling by gawking at the displays and the lights and then BOOM someone is massaging lotion on your hands or smoothing your fingernails or something. In my younger days I would always get snared, and wind up wasting twenty minutes of my time and theirs when I had zero interest in whatever they were selling, but nowadays I’m old and wily and skitter out of reach.

So all told, I spent about ten minutes in the mall. Now we are well-stocked with overpriced sausages and cheeses, and all set for Christmas Eve lounging and snacking.

 Posted by at 8:30 pm

Almost Christmas

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Dec 132015

I was more organized this year. I got some Christmas cards back in November. I printed out mailing labels. I chased down each member of my family and got them to sign the damn things.

I had no stamps. Not a problem, I can order them online. They usually take a few days to get here, at most.

Almost a week after I ordered them, I got an email from USPS letting me know my stamps would be here in six to ten days.


The Director reasonably pointed out that this is a very busy time of year for the post office. Maybe you’ll all get your cards by New Years.

Speaking of a busy postal season, I did all my shopping for presents online. Only one thing needed me to go and actually pick it up myself, the rest are either en route or already under the tree. I’m not a big fan of malls, and from Thanksgiving to January I try to stay away from them altogether.

I’ve kept in touch with the old job; seems the lady hired to replace me is leaving at the end of the month, ostensibly to find a job with insurance benefits. I can’t help but wonder if she’s just using it as an easy excuse like I did. At any rate, they made sure to mention that if I don’t like my new job, I’m always welcome back at the old one. Nice to have a fallback, I guess.

 Posted by at 3:28 pm