Holy Crap, It’s Snow

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Jan 292014

We actually got a couple of inches of snow here overnight. Schools are closed (naturally), the county snowplow is hard at work on the interstate, and all the news is talking about this morning is weather, and traffic, and how the weather is affecting the traffic.

Earlier the Director and I went out and shoveled off the driveway and knocked all the snow off my car. I’m debating whether to attempt going to work; I’ve seen some cars going back and forth along my street. My main concern is the road in front of the office, which is a moderately steep hill, and the parking lot, which I doubt has been cleared. On the other hand there’s a ton of work that needs to be done before the end of January. I’ll probably hang around here for another hour or so before the boredom drives me to make the attempt.

 Posted by at 10:35 am

Tax Season Begins

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Jan 172014

We’ve been setting up SecondCo’s server so that it can more or less automate the invoicing.

This has been a much more complicated process than I expected it would be, apparently because our IT guy doesn’t make any effort to ensure SecondCo’s drivers are all current, so when I attempt to view it remotely via LogMeIn, the whole works goes kerflooey because the video drivers are too decrepit to do the job.

So this week I managed to do the invoicing from last week. I hope that Monday I’ll be able to do the invoicing from this week. In theory, the new setup will make the invoicing faster because it will be automated and I won’t need to enter everything manually. In practice, I haven’t been able to test this yet because I can’t stay connected to the remote computer.

However, today I did manage to stay connected long enough to do the W2/W3 forms for 2013. Which makes me happy, because it needed to be done and I hate getting behind.

Monday we have payroll. I also have my first wage garnishment. How exciting. I spent a fair amount of time today researching garnishment laws and requirements in my state, and how to set up a wage garnishment for an employee. I think I’ve got it covered. I sent an e-mail to the employee in question to alert her that her wages were being garnisheed. I set up the Quickbooks items so it would all be done automatically. I set up an Excel spreadsheet to double-check that Quickbooks was doing it right.

It’s kind of funny, really—this is the third or fourth time the state has sent me a garnishment notice, but up until now all the people involved had already been laid off. This is the first one that involved someone who was still working for SecondCo.

So now I know more than I want to about wage garnishment in my state. Yay me.


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Jan 122014

Yesterday morning the National Weather Service issued a tornado watch for our area. Not uncommon when we get heavy thunderstorms.

A little after two o’clock, the wind outside suddenly picked up—within the space of minutes it went from “a little gusty” to “roaring jet engine.”

We all stopped whatever we were doing and ran into the basement. We didn’t even have to round up the cat; she was the first one down, running low to the ground with wide, alarmed eyes. She was really glad when we followed her.

Twenty minutes later, the wind died down and we all went back to whatever we’d been doing. Pretty anticlimactic, but I prefer that to being on the news.

ETA: The wind was over 86 mph, and knocked out power in some areas. A local man recording the weather caught an under-construction building being blown down.

 Posted by at 10:17 am