Let the Red River Flow

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Dec 032013

Yes, it’s that time again. Today is menstrual Niagara. In addition to the cramping, gushing, and discomfort, by two o’clock I had a major backache.

I thought about leaving early, but several others in the office were soldiering on with bad colds and sore throats. Leaving early because “I’ve got my period” would have made me feel like a whiny little bitch. So I grumpily hung in there.

Spent more of my day doing tech support than I did accounting. If I actually get another job these guys are really going to miss me.

Still Looking

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Dec 032013

Had another job interview yesterday. I may have a shot, they said they’ve got about half a dozen people to interview this week and will make a decision by early next week.

It’s a little bit scary to contemplate getting this job; there’s more responsibility than I currently have. Part of me says “Yeah, I can totally do that!” and the other part says “Shit, I could totally fuck that up!” But if I want more money it will almost certainly mean more responsibility, so I’d better get used to the idea.

Since I was fairly serious about this application, I also asked a few of my co-workers if I could use them as references. So now that cat is out of the bag, at least for a few people. I don’t think any of them are inclined to gossip to the boss (if I did I wouldn’t have asked them), but in such a small company it’s probably a matter of time until someone more inclined to tattle overhears something. Hopefully that won’t happen until I have an offer somewhere.

One of my co-workers (the lady who’s in charge of running SecondCo) asked if I’d be willing to stay on if the Boss could pay me enough that I could buy personal health insurance. Honestly, I don’t think boss could pay me that much—non-group insurance is ridiculously expensive. But even if he could, I want opportunities to grow and learn, and I think that would be best found in a larger company, surrounded by other accountants and doing a more scary and challenging job.

So I’m still perusing the job boards, because I don’t have a new job until they make an offer and I want to keep a bunch of interviews in the pipeline.

The (Job) Search Continues

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Nov 152013

My search for more money (and benefits) continues. Had an interview this week, and went to a big job fair that gave me a few promising leads.

The interview was, frankly, a waste of time. They called me the day before, I told them I was looking for opportunities for advancement and told them my rate was $X (more than I’m making now, but still at the low end for people doing my job in my area).

I go in the next day, and it’s a dinky operation with two people (I would make three) and they can’t pay me $X, but asked me to think about the lowest offer I’d accept. I politely said I’d think about it, but in my head I was thinking “There’s no room for advancement here and you can’t pay me what I’m asking for, WHY THE HELL DID YOU BRING ME IN?”

But I think I know the answer anyway—they brought me in because I’m exactly what they want. Unfortunately the feeling isn’t mutual.

I’ve never been looking for a job when I already have one; I’m still getting used to it. Now I’ll have to practice politely and professionally rejecting offers that don’t meet my requirements. It’s a skill I’ve never had to learn until now. “I’m afraid I can’t consider anything lower than $X.”
