Jun 232010

Had another job interview yesterday, for a part-time position at a large church. It was by far the most thorough interview I’ve experienced so far; they asked questions about practical applications of accounting, software, security, and so forth. I think I answered them all satisfactorily.

At one point they gave me a set of mocked-up financial statements and asked me some questions about them. My first (unsolicited) observation was that their balance sheet didn’t balance. It seemed to please them that I noticed that right away.

They asked me to identify the net income—an easy enough task when you have an income statement, with “Net Income” in bold at the bottom. I qualified my answer with, “. . . although since the balance sheet isn’t balanced, I would really want to double-check this number.”

Seriously, it really bugged me. I wanted to sit down and go through their balance sheet and figure out why it was off.

A part-time job would be almost ideal, because it would enable me to continue going to class, helping out at the homeless shelter, and helping out with Alpha Geek’s business. The only drawback would be the lack of benefits. Our COBRA expires at the end of July, and we need to figure out what the hell we’re going to do about insurance. I can’t help but envy all these people with employer- or government-paid insurance plans who have the luxury of bitching about health care reform.

Jun 112010

They’re persistent, I’ll give ’em that. But I won’t give ’em anything else.

Now they’ve changed their company name, and instead of an IQ test they want a credit report. And I’m sure their web site is a completely safe and legitimate place to enter all my personal information for that purpose.

The fax number is different, but their phone number is the same.

How are you again <my full name>, I hope that you are having a nice Friday.

I am sending a quick e-mail because our department has still not seen or heard anything back from you with regards to the job.

Please understand that if we do not hear back from you by Tuesday, June 15th, we will need to move on to the second choice.

This is also a reminder that we need a recent credit report (Located here: http://JadinCorp.com/Credit-Report) and your availability for us to set up an interview.

If you already sent in the required information, simply disregard this e-mail and we will get back with you in the next few days.

Thanks a bunch and have a wonderful rest of the Friday,

Lindsey Cole
Human Resources Dept.

Jadin, Corp
Phone number: 1 (650)-489-2541
Fax line: 1 (866) 402-4940
E-mail: LindseyCole@JadinCorp.com
Website: JadinCorp.com

This message was Re-mailed from jobs-alze76555847
6/11/2010 1:07:23 PM

I’d better get right over there before they give the fake job to somebody else.

Jun 062010

Seen in an ad for an online university:

“Did you know,” burbles the narrator, “that in the U.S., full-time employees with a college degree earn 62% more annually than those with just a high school education?”

Yeah. Never mind the ones who are earning 100% less because we can’t find work. STFU, bitch.
