TMI Update

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Oct 192013

Went to the OB/GYN this week, which was about as fun as it ever is, but no worse than usual. She’s a new OB/GYN, I haven’t been to one in years and years. She’s part of the doctor group that contains my primary care doctor, so they can share info and consult with each other if necessary. She seems like a pretty good one, the nurse from my regular doc recommended her highly.

Anyway, we talked about how the last couple of periods have been unusually heavy, and after the exam she said my uterus does seem a little enlarged and she wants to take an ultrasound of it just to make sure everything’s copacetic. So now I’m scheduled to have an ultrasound in a few weeks.

I’m getting right tired of being poked and prodded. Can’t I just trade in my meat suit for a new one?

Female Issues

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Oct 042013

Warning to the easily-squicked: the topic for today is menstruation.

Yeah. The last couple of periods have been unusually long and heavy. Long, as in lasting eleven or twelve days instead of six or seven. Heavy, as in every hour I have to change my pad, I feel like someone’s been punching me in the abdomen all day, and I’m passing clots twice the size of my thumb.

Got my annual physical in a couple of weeks, I’m going to bring this up with the doc. My internet searches suggest fibroids, but I’d rather have the opinion of an actual doctor who has examined my actual body.

This morning I went to a networking thing (I’ve been going to a lot lately, trying to make lots of connections for the job hunt). This one involved a lot of “stand up, introduce yourself, sit down. Stand up, say something about the topic, sit down. Etc.” Of course any time I stand up or sit down, I drench another maxipad. I went to the restroom twice to change my pad during a 90-minute meeting. And these were the heavy-duty pads, too.

Srsly, I’ve gone from “this is annoying” periods to “how am I still alive if I’m losing this much tissue?” periods. I can feel the clots squidging out of me. It’s a little disconcerting. Hopefully the doc will say “Yes, that’s normal at your age,” and not “OMG you need to go to the hospital right now.”

So, all my middle-aged-and-up male friends, whatever issues you’re having with your meat suit, at least it’s not expelling great chunks of itself. I hope.


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Jul 122013

Yesterday was Day Two of my period.

Ladies, you know what I mean.

I had five heavy-duty maxipads in my desk. By lunchtime I was worried I would have to run to the store for more. Fortunately it tapered off.

Bleah. The worst is over for another month.
