Nov 022009

Friday morning I felt fine.

Friday night I was starting to feel kind of bleh.

Saturday I was flat-out sick. Not the flu, no fever. Some kind of upper-respiratory thing; my upper back felt like someone had been beating me with a rubber hose—from the inside.

Spent the weekend largely unconscious, thanks to the good folks at Vicks and their magical Nyquil potion.

Today I’m well enough that the inactivity is bugging me, but not well enough to pick up my usual activities. I’ll have to re-start the Couch to 5k program next week. Probably not a good idea to engage in heavy cardio while recovering from a respiratory infection.

Alpha Geek has been supplying me with soup, and The Director helped out by taking out the trash and attempting to tidy up in the kitchen a little. I’ve been nagging them all to wash their hands frequently. Really don’t want to pass this thing around if we can avoid it.

 Posted by at 3:26 pm

I Can Has Cardio?

 Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on I Can Has Cardio?
Oct 272009

Yesterday I started the Couch to 5k running program—a plan to get a couch potato running a 5k race (or at least, able to run 5k) in nine weeks.

I also learned that my treadmill is programmable. The things you learn reading the user’s manual.

In other news, today is my birthday. You may all commence the celebration.

birthday cake

Spam, Ho!

 Geek Wannabe, General  Comments Off on Spam, Ho!
Oct 202009

Either my blog has just made it into a new search engine, or the spammers are ramping up operations lately. Just today there were eight spam comments over here on BerthaBlog. Usually long URLs with .ru endings and generic statements like “Really interesting article!”

Nobody ever sees it but me (not even the search engines), because Akismet does a great job catching it all. So far it’s caught all the spam and none of the real comments. If I ever have an income again I plan to donate some money to its author.

Even on Twitter, the spammers lie in wait. I make a tweet about World of Warcraft, and I’m immediately followed by an account that has nothing but links to WoW gold sellers. I tweet about cleaning something, and suddenly I’m followed by “Phoenix Cleaning.”

The only thing more laughable than the spammers’ transparent efforts to garner attention is the notion that someone, somewhere, must respond to these tactics. Would someone actually hire a cleaning company just because their automated Twitter-bot triggered on a keyword mentioned in a tweet?

 Posted by at 12:12 pm  Tagged with: