Jan 032010

Taking a page from Havi’s book—about a year ago she wrote a personal ad for a house. And now she’s in a space that she loves. So I figure, why the hell not?

Behold, my personal ad for a job:


Me: Hard-working, creative, intelligent. College education, varied work history. I have a lot of eclectic skills to bring to the table, and I learn fast. I don’t mind doing shit work once in a while, but I don’t want shit work to be all I ever do. I hate talking on the phone.

You: Challenging, rewarding, room for growth. A flexible schedule allowing me to take college classes would be ideal. (What classes? Who knows? I’m interested in just about everything.) Co-workers optional. Teeming hordes of people I have to interact with, even if they’re abusive jerks: No. Just no. Retail sales is right out.

I’ve played the field with jobs in the past, but now I’m ready to settle down and commit. Are you the career that’s looking for me?

 Posted by at 5:15 pm

  4 Responses to “Personal Ads!”

  1. Awesome! I love it!

  2. Awesome! I love it! One confusing bit, though…

    “Teeming hordes of people I have to interact with, even if they’re abusive jerks: No.”

    Did you mean “even if they’re not abusive jerks”?

    • How about, “teeming hordes of people I have to interact with, even the ones who are abusive jerks?”

  3. Guess I don’t get what you’re trying to say… I would have though you didn’t want to interact with the teeming hordes, especially if they were abusive jerks, or even if they weren’t abusive jerks. Just no teeming hordes at all. :)

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